Multiple active ingredients simultaneously act on the cell wall and membrane of bacteria, changing the structure of the cell wall and expanding the size of membrane pores, thereby improving the ability of antibiotics to enter the bacterial body and exert their effects quickly.
1. Mental depression, temperature rise, dyspnea, head retraction and eye closure, yellow green, yellow white thin feces, decline in egg production rate, increase in sand skin eggs, thin shell eggs, soft skin eggs and other symptoms caused by avian obstinate Escherichia coli, duck infectious serositis, necrotizing enteritis, Salmonella infection.
2. Infectious pleuropneumonia, wheezing disease, various types of streptococci, and yellow and white dysentery in piglets can cause fever, mental depression, breathing difficulties, severe "dog lying" posture, arthritis, purple ear tip, neurological symptoms, yellow, white, green, gray loose feces, and other symptoms.
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