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Ammonium sulfate
Ammonium sulfate

Ammonium sulfate can provide non-protein nitrogen nutrients to ruminants. In some areas, ammonium sulphate is also used to increase oxygen in fisheries.

Grade First grade Results
Appearance without visible
mechanical impurities.
Off- White crystal,without visible mechanical impurities.
Content %≥ 99.0 99.2
N (dry base) %≥ 21.0 21.4
Water (H2O) %≤ 0.5 0.3
Free acid(H2SO4) %≤ 0.05 0.03
Pb %≤ 0.0003 0.0002
Se %≤ 0.01 0.008


Functions and Applications

Ammonium sulfate is used as a nitrogen source for the synthesis of bacterial protein in the digestive tract of ruminants, supplements the lack of protein in the feed, and can provide the sulfur elements required by ruminants

Ammonium sulfate in its feed-grade form serves several functions and has various applications in animal nutrition. Here are its functions and applications:

  1. Nitrogen and Sulfur Source: Ammonium sulfate is primarily used as a source of supplemental nitrogen and sulfur in animal feed. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient required for protein synthesis, amino acid formation, and various metabolic processes in animals. Sulfur is also important for protein synthesis and plays a role in the structure and function of certain amino acids and vitamins. Ammonium sulfate supplementation helps meet the dietary requirements of animals for both nitrogen and sulfur.

  2. Protein Synthesis: Nitrogen from ammonium sulfate is essential for protein synthesis, which is crucial for growth, muscle development, immune function, and reproductive health in animals. Adequate nitrogen levels support optimal protein turnover, tissue repair, enzyme activation, and overall metabolic function, contributing to improved growth performance and production efficiency in animals.

  3. Amino Acid Formation: Sulfur from ammonium sulfate is involved in the synthesis of sulfur-containing amino acids such as methionine and cysteine. These amino acids serve as the building blocks of proteins and play critical roles in growth, immunity, antioxidant defense, and overall metabolic function in animals. Adequate sulfur levels support amino acid formation, protein synthesis, and metabolic processes, ensuring optimal health and performance in livestock, poultry, and other animals.

  4. Rumen Microbial Activity: In ruminant animals, such as cattle and sheep, ammonium sulfate can serve as a nitrogen source for rumen microbial populations. Rumen microbes utilize nitrogen to synthesize microbial protein, which is subsequently digested and absorbed by the animal. Ammonium sulfate supplementation can support rumen microbial activity, fermentation, and fiber digestion, ultimately improving nutrient utilization and feed efficiency in ruminants.

  5. Acidification: Ammonium sulfate has acidic properties, which can help lower the pH of feed and the gastrointestinal tract of animals. Acidification of the digestive tract creates an environment that is less favorable for the growth of pathogenic bacteria and enhances the digestion and absorption of nutrients, leading to improved feed efficiency, nutrient utilization, and overall gut health in animals.

  6. Feed Additive: Ammonium sulfate may also serve as a feed additive to improve the palatability, flowability, and handling characteristics of animal feeds. It can be used as a powdered form, facilitating uniform mixing and distribution of nitrogen and sulfur in feed formulations. Its inclusion in feed helps ensure consistent nutrient content in each feed batch, resulting in enhanced feed intake and utilization by animals.

  7. Regulatory Compliance: Ammonium sulfate used in feed applications complies with regulatory standards and guidelines established by food and feed safety authorities. Its use in animal feed is regulated to ensure safe and effective use without compromising animal health or product quality.

  8. Application in Various Animal Feeds: Ammonium sulfate feed grade can be incorporated into various types of animal feeds, including poultry, swine, cattle, and aquaculture diets, to provide nitrogen and sulfur supplementation, support protein synthesis and amino acid formation, enhance rumen microbial activity in ruminants, promote acidification of the digestive tract, and improve feed quality and handling. Its versatility makes it suitable for use in different production systems and environments.

In summary, ammonium sulfate feed grade serves as an essential nutritional supplement in animal nutrition, providing nitrogen and sulfur necessary for protein synthesis, amino acid formation, rumen microbial activity, acidification, and overall metabolic function in animals. Its applications extend to various animal species and production systems, contributing to overall animal health, welfare, and productivity.

Company Name:

Add: Block 14, No.100, Luyun Road,Changsha 410205,China.

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