Enramycin premix is prepared by enramycin, rice bran oil and corn flour. Enramycin is a peptide antibiotic produced by fermentation of actinomycetes, which combines unsaturated fatty acids with over a dozen amino acids. It has a strong inhibitory effect on Gram positive bacteria and is less likely to develop Chemicalbook resistance after long-term use. It can change the distribution of bacterial communities in the intestine, facilitate the digestion and absorption of feed nutrients, promote animal growth, and improve feed conversion rate. Therefore, it is recommended as a medicinal feed additive by many countries around the world. Enramycin is not easily absorbed, so there is less residue in the body of livestock and poultry.
Enramycin can promote the growth and feed-conversion of livestock and poultry.Enramycin alleviates the clinical symptoms of coccidiosis,
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