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Production, use, and issues to be noted of premix

Premixed feed refers to a homogeneous mixture made by combining various additives of the same type or different types in a certain proportion. Although the proportion of premixed feed in complete feed is small, it plays an extremely important role in the feeding effect of the complete feed. A scientifically designed premixed feed formula is the key to the production of premixed feed. To produce high-quality premixed feed, not only a scientific formula is needed, but also high-quality raw materials, precise equipment technology, and a comprehensive set of management measures. Premixed feed is not simply a commodity; it is a highly technical product, reflecting the combination of raw material quality testing, nutritional formula design, and animal husbandry management techniques. To further promote and popularize premixed feed technology, this article provides an overview of the production technology and use of premixed feed.

1. Purpose, Characteristics, and Functions of Premixed Feed Production

The purpose of producing premixed feed is to dilute and expand the micro-ingredients so that the active ingredients are evenly distributed in the compound feed. Premixed feed can be produced by specialized manufacturers or in special workshops attached to compound feed factories.

Premixed feed has the following characteristics:

Complex composition: High-quality premixed feed typically includes six to seven trace elements, more than 15 types of vitamins, two amino acids, one or two drugs, and other additives (antioxidants and mold inhibitors). The nature and function of each feed additive vary, making the compatibility complex.

Small dosage, significant impact: Premixed feed usually accounts for 0.5% to 5% of compound feed. Although the dosage is small, it significantly improves animal productivity, feed conversion rate, and feed preservation.

Cannot be fed directly: The concentration of active ingredients in premixed feed is several dozen to several hundred times the animal's requirement. Feeding it directly can easily lead to animal poisoning.

The main functions of premixed feed include:

Ensuring the uniform distribution of micro-ingredients in the compound feed.

Compensating for and improving the undesirable characteristics of micro-ingredients through premixing, such as instability, hygroscopicity, and static adsorption.

Standardizing the additive levels.

Simplifying the production process of general feed mills and reducing investment.

2. Key Points in Premixed Feed Production Technology

2.1 Advanced Formulation

The formula of premixed feed is the core of the production technology. It is designed by animal nutrition experts based on the nutritional needs of animals at different growth and production stages, following principles of balancing deficiencies, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency. It takes into account environmental factors and processing technologies to ensure accuracy. The ratio of raw materials plays a crucial role in product quality, and the formula must be continually adjusted based on market feedback, local conditions, and seasonal changes.

2.2 High-Quality Raw Materials

The quality of raw materials directly affects the efficacy of the premixed feed. The most important requirement is high purity without harmful substances, especially for active ingredients like vitamins A and C. Raw materials must be carefully measured and selected to ensure stability and effectiveness. Biological value and weather conditions also influence the selection of certain vitamins and trace elements.

2.3 Optimal Carriers and Dilutants

Carriers, which hold or adsorb micro-active ingredients, must have strong chemical stability, appropriate particle size, and good mixing properties with the compound feed. Common carriers include shell powder, wheat bran, corn, rice husk, and others. Dilutants, which lower the concentration of active ingredients, should reduce reactions between active ingredients, improving stability and ensuring smooth mixing.

2.4 Pre-treatment of Raw Materials

Vitamins and trace elements need to undergo pre-treatment to maintain stability and activity, as they are sensitive to oxygen, moisture, heat, and light. Technologies such as emulsification and microencapsulation are employed to protect these ingredients during processing.

2.5 High-Precision Equipment

Accurate measurement and mixing are essential to maintain formula integrity. Advanced weighing equipment and efficient mixers are required to ensure uniformity and avoid residue or cross-contamination. The right choice of machinery for different premix types is vital to the production process.

2.6 Uniform Mixing

Although feed mixing is a physical process, differences in raw material density and other properties necessitate scientific selection of equipment, mixing time, and suitable carriers or diluents to achieve uniformity.

2.7 HACCP Management System

Introducing the HACCP management system in premix feed production helps ensure safety and quality control, particularly in identifying and controlling potential hazards in the production process. This system improves overall production levels and enhances product safety.

3. Issues to Consider in Production

3.1 Using Feeding Standards as the Main Basis

Feeding standards define the nutritional requirements of animals for various purposes and serve as a foundation for premix formulation. However, their application depends on a deep understanding of animal nutrition. Consider the following points:

  1. The nutritional requirements in feeding standards refer to the total amount of nutrients provided by various components, not just the amount to be added.
  2. It's best to use raw materials for premixes whose components have been directly measured, while also considering the synergistic and antagonistic effects between different nutrients.
  3. The nutritional requirements in feeding standards represent the minimum amounts needed to meet animal needs. In practice, you should adjust the formula based on actual conditions to ensure that the animals’ true nutritional needs are met in various environments.

3.2 Considering Process and Processing Losses

During premix production, it's essential to strictly adhere to formula requirements for accurate dosing. Additionally, different methods should be used to add components based on their specific properties, and the mixture must be uniform (coefficient of variation less than 7%). Nutritional components like vitamins can be damaged during feed processing (e.g., grinding, pelleting), so these factors must be accounted for when formulating the recipe.

3.3 Attention to Anti-Nutritional Factors in Base Feeds

Many energy and protein feed ingredients contain anti-nutritional factors that can damage nutritional components in the feed. For example, linseed cake contains factors that inhibit vitamin B6, and soybean lipoxidase can degrade vitamin A. When formulating feed, these factors must be considered, and the affected nutrients should be supplemented.

3.4 Emphasizing Stability Factors

Most vitamins are unstable and are even more susceptible to degradation when exposed to metal ions. For example, in feed containing copper (Cu), iron (Fe), or manganese (Mn), vitamin A loses 80% and vitamin B6 loses 20% after three months of storage. Therefore, production and storage time should be minimized, and care should be taken to use airtight, light-blocking measures.

3.5 Particle Size and Compatibility of Trace Components

The particle size of trace components should be based on their properties and the proportion of the complete feed mixture. For materials that are added in small proportions and are difficult to disperse, finer grinding is necessary to ensure uniform mixing. Although trace active components are vital for animal growth, they may chemically react with one another, affecting their efficacy. Solutions to compatibility issues include packaging vitamins, minerals, and other components separately until they are mixed into complete feed during final production, and improving the stability of active components through encapsulation or chemical derivatives to prevent interactions.

3.6 Safety and Efficiency

Most trace elements are chemicals, so it's important to consider both their effective and toxic doses. For example, copper is an essential trace element that promotes growth at high doses, but when formulating feed, it’s necessary to focus on its general uses because the dose for special effects is close to the toxic level. Similarly, selenium is required only in trace amounts, and the effective dose is very close to the toxic dose. Compound premixes contain various trace elements and vitamins that may interact. For example, vitamin E and selenium have synergistic effects in the body, calcium and phosphorus must be in the right ratio for maximum efficiency, and iron and zinc levels can affect copper absorption.

3.7 The Choline Issue

Choline chloride is a low-molecular-weight organic compound necessary for the growth of young livestock. In corn-based feeds, an adequate amount of choline must be added to ensure the healthy growth of poultry and livestock. Typically, 50% choline chloride powder is used as a feed additive. Although it is stable itself, it is highly hygroscopic and can severely degrade the active components of other additives, including vitamins A, D3, and K3. To prevent choline from absorbing moisture, it should first be adsorbed and dried using bran, defatted rice bran, or rice husks, and the moisture content of the carrier should be controlled.

3.8 Accounting for Weather Factors

Nutritional requirements for animals vary under different climatic conditions. The proportion of nutritional elements should be adjusted to accommodate the climate, making the formula more balanced and effective.

4 Usage of Premix Feed

4.1 Correct Understanding of Premix Efficacy

Under intensive farming conditions, it is necessary to provide animals with complete feed. To formulate a complete feed, premix is essential. Nutritional indicators such as crude protein, essential amino acids, energy, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and chlorine in the diet should be considered first, and then premix should be scientifically and reasonably incorporated. Only then can it improve animal production levels, reduce feed consumption, and promote health. It is crucial to differentiate the roles of various nutrients in animal nutrition and their interrelationships. Overemphasizing the nutritional and physiological roles of premix is not advisable, as premix only becomes effective when the main nutritional indicators in the diet are appropriately balanced.

4.2 Choosing Premix Rationally

The quality of premix available on the market varies greatly, with some products being of substandard quality or having unreasonable formulations. When purchasing, it is essential to choose premix based on actual conditions and the available feed ingredients. If only energy feed ingredients are available, a full-nutrition concentrated feed should be selected. If both energy and protein feed ingredients are available, a compound premix with a 4% to 5% inclusion rate can be used. For feed mills, specialized premixes produced by professional manufacturers with an inclusion rate of 1% to 3% or high-tech classified premixes with a 0.1% to 0.5% inclusion rate should be considered. Choose products from manufacturers with strong technical capabilities, comprehensive product specifications, stable quality, and good after-sales service. Formulas should be selected based on the types of local agricultural by-products and the characteristics of the available base materials.

4.3 Strict Quality Identification

When purchasing premix, priority should be given to products from reputable manufacturers, and attention should be paid to whether the packaging is standard and the labeling is complete. The label should include the following: product name, applicable stage, main ingredients, type and content of drug additives, inclusion ratio, usage instructions, production date, shelf life, execution standard, approval number, name of the manufacturing enterprise, address, and contact information. Sensory evaluation of the product's quality is also necessary. Qualified premix should have a consistent particle size, uniform color, and be free from odors, mold, moisture absorption, or clumping.

4.4 Identifying the Target Species

When using premix, it is essential to select the appropriate premix based on the species of livestock or poultry and their growth stage. The label should clearly specify the applicable species and stage of use.

4.5 Accurate Dosage

The premix should be thoroughly mixed with other feeds according to the instructions. The usual dosage of premix is 0.5% to 6% of the total feed. It is essential to measure accurately during use, as under-dosing will not achieve the desired effect, while overdosing not only leads to waste but may also cause toxicity.

4.6 Thorough Mixing with Base Feed

Premix must be thoroughly mixed with other feed ingredients before feeding. Ideally, it should be mixed and fed immediately. The prepared feed should be used up in one feeding session.

4.7 Proper Storage

It is essential to control the storage time and conditions of the premix to maintain its freshness. Unopened premix should be stored in a well-ventilated, cool, and dry place, with proper classification. Once opened, the premix should be used promptly and not stored for an extended period. During use, it should be kept sealed to avoid moisture, which could lead to a reduction in active ingredient content.

5 Conclusion

Premix feed is a high-tech product formulated based on the growth, development, and nutritional needs of animals, considering various related factors. Using advanced equipment and technology, it combines vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, and growth promoters with carriers and diluents in a scientifically balanced mixture. It provides most of the essential nutrients needed by animals and, when combined with protein and energy feeds, can efficiently balance nutrition and meet the growth and production needs of animals. However, there are still some issues in the production and use of premix feed in China, such as the widespread use of the same trace element premix, problems with mixing and packaging of compound premixes, and the use of high copper, high zinc, and arsenic compounds. With technological advancement and societal progress, these issues will gradually be resolved. Livestock producers can fully benefit from the high-efficiency nutritional function of premix feed only by choosing and using it correctly.

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